Darth Vader Could've Used Parenting Classes

Why are so many fathers in sci fi
Assholes? Like, just terrible, terrible men?
Vader sliced his son’s hand off and
Starlord’s Dad tried to turn him into a battery
Oscar Wao’s dad was never there.
And I guess I ask these things because
I watch these movies and read these books
And wish that, just once, Luke might say,
“I might’ve beat the Emperor quickly
If I had two hands!”
Or Oscar might finally find his father and ask,
“Why didn’t you stick around
And teach me how to throw a punch?”

That, just once, the chips might hold their
Rolling stones still enough
To see them
Hear them
Force them to reckon with the Dad-shaped holes
In their personal narratives.
To hold them accountable

For the rest of us.

Me and Baby M. Riverside, CA. October 2017. Credit: Carrell Jamilano

Me and Baby M. Riverside, CA. October 2017. Credit: Carrell Jamilano